
Daily Announcements

Week 2 | Spring Semester | January 10th - January 14th |  | FULL CALENDAR | ARCHIVED ANNOUNCEMENTS |

  • Winter Weights will start Monday Jan 10th at 2:45 and run Monday through Thursday for anyone interested in lifting after school. See Coach Kohring for any questions.
  • If you are interested in narrative writing. Rockwell Chambers is holding a creative writing workshop on the 19th and 26th of January, and then on 2nd and 9th of February. It will be held in G7 or Ms. Mathes Class afterschool on these dates until 4:15. The sign up sheet is in the office if you are interested in signing up.`
  • There will be no ski trip this Saturday. There will be a ski meeting on January 18th at 3:30 in room D-3.
  • Baseball meeting Thursday after school in G-6 for anyone NOT playing a winter sport, to discuss winter workouts, for any questions contact Coach Stadelmeir.
  • Culinary arts will be opening the hungry bear this week! We will be selling on Wednesday & Friday morning starting at 7:45 to 8:00.
  • There are still 10 spots open in the Building & Construction 1 class this semester. Come see your counselor TODAY if interested.